"A Daydreamer in Kansas City" is the art blog of Kristen Ramsdale. A little bit about me:
I've lived in the Greater Kansas City area for all my life, and in this part of the Midwest, life has a certain funny rhythm to it that has affected who I am as an artist. I am currently attending the University of Kansas as an Illustration major with a minor in Art History. I've always been interested in drawing, which led me to the field of illustration with a particular interest in concept art and character design. Last summer I interned at the American Jazz Museum making promo art, and I'm hoping to do another internship this coming summer.
I use a number of tools and mediums, including Paint Tool SAI (my current favored program), Photoshop Elements 6/CS5, Prismacolor colored pencils, Micron pens, oils, Prismacolor Nupastels, and mechanical pencils for sketching.
You can find my work on several other sites, including deviantART, coroflot, Behance, flickr, and tumblr.
Prints of selected work can be found at my society6 shop.
If you want to share my work with others, please link them back to this blog or to any other of my official blogs or portfolios. I share my art because I love to see other people's reactions to it, but I like to receive credit for the dedication I put into it. As such my work is under a Creative Commons license, which you can learn more about here.