
May 24, 2011

Portrait Evolution

Freshman year, second semester
Junior year, second semester
Senior year, first semester
Still growing in my art, still changing as a person.:)  Notice in particular the maturing of my choice of clothes and hairstyle, AND the subtle change in expressions--I drew myself unsmiling, with a slight smile, and then an open smile.  I didn't notice that until I lined these up together for this post!!


  1. that's so cool--it's like you unconsciously planned all of it. you're improving insanely well.

    you should do a portrait every six months or so in the same style.

    (i really like your hair in pigtails haha)

  2. Hmmm yes I should. And lol I liked doing that is too short now, alas, I tried doing mini pigtails but it didn't work.
