
Aug 30, 2011

College Doodles

Errrmmm have a sketchdump. (Click for full view!  It simply won't fit in the page margins of this blog.xD)

The one really great thing about my classes is that I am FORCED to draw EVERYDAY.  And since I get so bored drawing the stuff we're supposed to do...I do more of what I want to do by default!  Everybody wins!!  Sort of.

As part of my design class we have to make a blog and post our sketches and reflections on it.  Once it's up I'll post a link here, but be warned, it probably won't be too exciting.  However, that is the only place I plan to post the sketches I've done so far for class, so if you're interested in that, head over there.  If there is a project I like, I'll post it here too.

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