
Sep 23, 2011

In the Shadows of Silence

We've spent a lot of time outdoors during my drawing class lately, it's been so nice out!  At least, sporadically.  It's cold in the morning and gets hot by evening on some days.  Other days it's pleasant and sunny and crisp.  Ahh, autumn.<3

Anyhoo, here is a charcoal value study I did on Tuesday.  I don't usually post in-class art but I will this time because I'm fond of it and everybody seemed to like it.

I used a chamois cloth to smear around the charcoal and make the soft shadows, then I went back in with my eraser to put in the places where the light comes through the leaves.  The chamois cloth is my buddy now.  But man, that thing is messy.

I did some ink studies by the lake in yesterday's class, I'll try to get them up today or this weekend.

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