
Jun 25, 2011

Conflicted Emotions

Not the title of this piece, per se, but also the process and my posting it here.
This was the base piece for what was going to be my culminating project senior year.  My intention was to create a powerful, metaphorical piece exploring a theme/subject I explored a lot during the year...religion and conflict in the Middle East.  That is a burkha slipping off her back there, the screen meant for the eyes is that checked thing.  It's meant to be a hopeful image of the future--the bright, beautiful clothing unfurling after being finally freed--but she's also sad for what she's lost, and for those who were lost in violence.  Her pot was going to have water flowing out of it, with faces in the flow, but it proved too complex for my watercolor skills. I was really happy with this piece, but my frustration with my inability and the failure to capture the feeling in subsequent attempts in oils and then watercolor w/ masking fluid made me abandon the piece.

It's still not on my dA, but it can live here.  Maybe someone somewhere will find some meaning in it, or at least appreciate that I used a ton of patience on this and still failed to just goes to show that hard work isn't the only factor.  You can work really hard and still fail.  But that's okay, because you can try again and learn.  That's how life works.

1 comment:

  1. i understand what you mean. it's funny how sometimes i can work my butt off and the drawing look terrible--then doodle and have the most beautiful picture i've ever done. it doesn't make sense, but i think that's the other aspect to art improving--not only on the technical side, but on a emotional scale as well so you can complete a drawing so it not only looks good, but speaks to you as well.

    i think this piece is beautiful, i thought it was something to do with your novel, but when i read over your summary, it makes sense now. the little things you put into this tells a lot about the person and what you were trying to get to. i think its a great start on more metaphorical drawings, and i know you do it well--just like i said, it just takes practice, and sometimes i think it's harder to learn than actually drawing...but you have the right idea; keep learning and doing your best, and it will eventually fall into place
