
Jun 18, 2011

Garage Sale Treasures

Today was the annual garage sale in my neighborhood...I picked up my bike (for once) and went to see what I could find.  And I FOUND.  Behold my spoils!:

The vase is from Japan, the book is about learning to write in Chinese, and the CD is "Ricky Martin."  I also bought a shell necklace and a brownie (I was wearing the necklace and I obviously ate the was very good ^_^) and it all added up to about four bucks.  SCORE.  I mean...looking at the vase, it must be worth fifty times more than I paid for it, at least.

The metal "London" panel is definitely going in my dorm.:)  I'd like to take the vase and the African carvings, but we'll just have to see.  I love crafty things from around the'd be fun to make that a theme in my room.  I also have a jade elephant from India and some pottery and carvings from New Mexico that would go along with the theme nicely.  Also dang, needed exercise got.  Just going up one puny hill made me out of breath...but then again, it was so humid, you couldn't hardly breathe.  Ick.  That's just how Kansas summers are.  Usually it doesn't get this bad until July, though.

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