
Jun 7, 2011

Schedule Stress

Next week I'm going up to KU for Orientation.  I've been really excited about this but nerves are catching up to me.xD  The revised Illustration Major requirements seem like a lot!  I guess they were like that before, but reality is setting in and it looks like a lot of work.  Required classes for each semester add up to 15-18 hours with not a lot of room for EVERYTHING ELSE I want to  Hopefully everything will be more clear when I get to orientation and meet up with my advisor.  Mom is recommending I take care of harder credits (aka math) here at the community college during my summers.  Of course, I also want to try to get in on some internships next year/subsequent years- Hallmark is based right here in KC and they offer paid internships to college students in design and illustration.<3  I've been wanting to do that for years now, ha.  We'll just see what goes down, and if I earned a score on my AP tests to get out of some credits.

I also have a roommate now!  It's sort of funny, I didn't have one for the longest time and I just now checked and had one.  Before I was thinking it'd be nice to have the room to myself, but I've been thinking that would be awfully lonely.  Hopefully this girl is friendly, I'm cautiously optimistic.  All I really ask for is not to be bringing guys in at odd hours, not touching my compy, and not taking my eccentricities to offense, haha.  Who knows, maybe we'll be buddies.

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