
Aug 21, 2011

Lawrence, Ho!

After months of agonizing and hunting down supplies, I'm at KU!  Today will be my second full day living in the dorm.  Yesterday I took a tour around campus in the morning, took a break for a while and then ended up hanging out with my new friend Mary at her dorm room, just chatting and watching stupid videos on Youtube and drawing.  Today I have a much busier schedule, I'm headed to a local church later this morning followed by a barbecue put on by the Design department and a reception for Honors students, and then hopefully Mary can come over to MY room and eat all MY food (I tried pocky.  It is literally awesomeness on a stick.  All I could to to stop myself from eating her entire box.  And tea, she made me tea.  I'll make her some chai when she comes over.)

Okay, enough rambling.  This is supposed to be primarily an art blog, anyway.  Hopefully I'll have a little something soon...I have some doodles I did at Mary's that I can't scan at the mo since my roomie is skyping, and I started a drawing of one of my OC's that I would like to watercolor.

Pictures of my dorm room!:

My bunk is the bottom one with all the random junk on it.:D  And that's my desk with the awesome chair I bought, and my lappie Stickers, and my backpack, and more junk.
Walk-in closet!
Our own bathroom D:
 Aaannd sort of a kitchen-y area with a sink, our microwave, the original chair from my desk that I stowed away...and a cabinet stocked with food :D

There's also a desk for my roomie in the kitchen room, but I didn't take a picture of her since she was skyping and I decided not to interrupt to ask if I could take her picture.  Mom took a pic of us together when she helped me move in, once she sends me the file I'll post it here.

1 comment:

  1. what wonderful dorm! so happy for you; you're going to love it there im sure
