
Sep 11, 2011

Sketchbook Update

Unfortunately all I have to show is sketches right now, but that's okay!  Some of these I think turned out very well.  Lots of Poppy this time round (tried to practice her expressions and attempted a semi-realistic portrait...which I think is bad), and Teska and Josarel as well.  The giant skeleton is a Mosasaurus from the natural history museum at Dyche Hall. Also, my drawing teach and two of the students in my class.

Also a 30 minute study of a bust of the Roman Emperor Commodus!  We took a field trip to the Wilcox Museum which is basically a mini exhibit of casts of Greek and Roman sculptures inside Lippincott Hall.  This dude has like the best beard I swear, he was really fun to draw.

Used a different sketching technique than I normally do...going in with a super-light pencil first (I can't remember if it was an F or 2H or what...and gradually using darker pencils after I got the form right and to make certain lines darker than others.

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